02-09-2013, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Kelena
The helicopters don't bother me. I like to look at them. They may fly a couple or three times in the day near my house and very rarely directly over my house. I always wave at them and sometimes put a thumb in my bathing suit and edge it off. I think it is a great achievement of mankind that helicopters exist and that tourism is a nice industry to have, if you must have one. Thanks in part to helicopters, Osama Bin Laden lies at the bottom of the ocean. The helicopters bother me much, much less than my neighbor who can't seemed to control her dog "Ipo", can't seem to let a touchdown go by without screaming out loud at the top of her lungs (thank god it's not football season) and who idiotically has a Lingle bumper sticker on her car --you know Lingle, the "free" market nut lesbian who vetoed gay rights.
How about 20-40 flights per day? Instead of a "wave" would you be flipping the "bird"?
If we had the same sparse traffic as you do, there would be nothing to complain about either. This ISN'T the case for many people that have to endure this BS.