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mini sustainable community
We have been planning and building parts of what I call a "mini sustainable community" in HPP. As college professors we are tethered to our southern California postings (Hilo was a closed shop for teachers, we tried) and now we are selling pieces of what we have assembled.
The legendary Arcobaleno tower, or MSC-1, is for sale at $415k and possibly short term rental until summer at $1500. It is newly remodeled and furnished. MSC-5 is a one acre lot with customizable plans, permit, and over $100k (original cost) of prefab structural components for $50k. This is less than the ripped and graded lot cost. The only catch is that you must commit to building a sustainable home on the site per the green building system options developed for the sites over the past fifteen years. Yes, HPP is just an ag suburb now, but this is how you change it, one part of five acres at a time. The least expensive way to get into this is another acre, MSC-3 that has multiple plan choices for a green home for $40k. If I tell you that I have been paid $25k for my plans for other homes in Keaau, that's just a fact. It's great if you can get free plans for the temporary wood-and-drywall homes that the lumber stores peddle, they are worth every penny. This is not that, this is ground-up green building.
If green is what you want, this is the fastest and most economical way to get it. We have sourced the materials, both imported when needed and local, gotten approvals for the most advanced construction on the island (I am the architect behind Castleblock), and have numerous design choices ready for your selection from an award-winning architect
(that would be me.) All for the price of a nice lot next to two new high value homes that keep the values high to secure your further building investment.

John Maloney
Hawaii Architect AR8082

John Maloney
Hawaii Architect AR8082


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mini sustainable community - by john the architect - 11-26-2014, 09:03 AM

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