03-26-2013, 09:29 AM
I just called Oceanic Time Warner to ask about the timeline for the rest of HPP and Orchidland to get cable tv. I was on the phone for an hour being given very vague answers. They are going to have a supervisor call me back but the only thing I've found out so far is that a petition may not work. They say it's "infrastructure problems", but when I say, "what do you mean?". "NO telephone poles, or you cant drill through blue rock, or what exactly do you mean?", and then I am basically given an answer of, "Adding new areas involves many variable mostly cost". IN other words, they'll get to it, when they get to it". I'll post if I find out anything further. I will try and pin them down on the "rate of progress" in other words, something that could basically be graphed and then extrapolated. I think it's taken about 10 yrs to do half of HPP so it will probably take another 10 yrs to complete the wiring, but that's just a wild guess, and then maybe they'll move on the ORchidland, but I want to verify this with a supervisor.