12-27-2014, 07:50 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVtMHp0v2mY [part 1 of 3]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmo66JBMg1g [part 2 of 3]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g1jDRsC2AM [part 3 of 3]
I think that this topic will reveal much about Hawaiian Christians
and further the knowledge of all who live here on this beautiful,
but imo oppressed island.
No doubt some sparks will fly and yet you need a spark for a fire to start , or at least tremendous heat for a fire to start, but once it does it spreads light to all who surround it. So bring in the light lest we stumble in the darkness.
The video's have wonderful music that I am sure all will enjoy,and some quite interesting history is revealed herein.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmo66JBMg1g [part 2 of 3]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g1jDRsC2AM [part 3 of 3]
I think that this topic will reveal much about Hawaiian Christians
and further the knowledge of all who live here on this beautiful,
but imo oppressed island.
No doubt some sparks will fly and yet you need a spark for a fire to start , or at least tremendous heat for a fire to start, but once it does it spreads light to all who surround it. So bring in the light lest we stumble in the darkness.
The video's have wonderful music that I am sure all will enjoy,and some quite interesting history is revealed herein.