04-28-2013, 02:26 AM
Honestly, I dont think "anything" can really manage on it's own except for invasive strawberry guava. Possibly some banana trees planted in cindersoil or something but I am not terribly hopeful if it's jungle. I'm trying to do the same thing, although I live in Hilo and I find myself going out to my lot with jugs of water regularly to check on things and keep things alive. According to the stats we get a lot of rain, but there was a month period last fall when it was hot and barely rained, and we are now in another weather pattern like this. IF you plant a larger avocado tree it might make it- since I've heard of people "finding" mature avocado trees hidden on their jungle lots from some long ago planter, but I think you might just be wasting your money. My lot is at 800 ft elevation.