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Property tax and bus increase proposed
Originally posted by ericlp

“Aging computers have become a drag on worker productivity,” Kenoi said.

Sheesh, really? Just how much does it cost to upgrade computers these days?

Actually, the more relevant question to ask is "How much does it cost to upgrade all the County network infrastructure (hardware and software) that haven't been upgraded over the past 5+ years due to budget constraints and lack of appreciation for the positive impact of a properly outfitted network infrastructure?"

The county still has employees working on computers running Windows 2000 (introduced 13 years ago) and Windows XP (introduced in 2001). And I've heard that there is more computing power in my smartphone than there is in some of the County's legacy network servers.

Looks like the new, younger, more tech-savvy Council and the Mayor realize that they need to bring their technology (hardware and software) closer to modern standards. Unfortunately, that costs money, but it will hopefully alleviate some of the problems we all gripe about on PunaWeb.

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RE: Property tax and bus increase proposed - by KeaauRich - 05-04-2013, 07:55 PM

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