05-15-2013, 03:36 AM
Julie, the approach bouganvillea fence of our neighbors is only 3', with beautiful bloom branches on top (different shades of pinks-purples) and a nice lattice work underneath...have no idea how our neighbor did the approach grafting, but this article from Mother Earth News shows one way you could start a lower living fence with thorny branches on things like bouganvillea.. (I would check the plants they recommend in the article, as I do not think some of them would be good for here...do know bougies grow here & do not have invasive behavior...at this time...and no fruit to attrach grazing livestock to root around the fence base ...)
forgot the link!
added, Julie,if you want to see the E. lactea living fence in HPP, contact me (it does look like cactus, but is a plant that does VERY WELL in our environment... & is easy to plant & start here
forgot the link!
added, Julie,if you want to see the E. lactea living fence in HPP, contact me (it does look like cactus, but is a plant that does VERY WELL in our environment... & is easy to plant & start here