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Living Fence to keep out pigs and other critters..
I saw the aquaponics set up at Waiakea HS and OMG, it looked like a lot of work, and also you need electricity to run the pumps to circulate the water. Can you possibly do this off grid somehow? We may not even be talking about the same thing, but they have fish ponds there and then use the fertilized water to grow the plants and then somehow recirculate the water back around again. This looks like a fulltime job to me. I think I'd rather just plant something that a pig wont eat. Any ideas? I think pigs eat just about anything, so it may be a lost cause. I was thinking of mostly growing fruit trees and bushes, where the fruit is up higher than the pigs.

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RE: Living Fence to keep out pigs and other critters.. - by unknownjulie - 05-20-2013, 01:57 AM

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