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Living Fence to keep out pigs and other critters..
Mark, based on the use of the strawberry guava as pole bean supports, no need to do anything but stick those buggers in the ground... ours sprouted forth with nary a problem (course that was not what we wanted, found out ya gotta plant those buggers upside down...and even some of them may sprout!) Now we use bamboo poles, plus on those is they last about as long as the beans... so clearing the garden is one fell swoop to the compost...

But I would not recommend a strawberry guava living fences for a few reasons, one - it attacks wildlife, rather than repels it 2.- the invasive nature, 3.- the fruit flies it will bring to the edge of the property (almost impossible to keep the fruit area clean when those buggers start doing their maze root thing...

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RE: Living Fence to keep out pigs and other critters.. - by Carey - 05-31-2013, 10:42 AM

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