06-01-2013, 05:34 AM
Application for a Special Permit to allow the establishment of a baseyard for parking, storage and maintenance of well drilling equipment, materials and supplies on a 0.43-acre portion of a one-acre parcel situated within the State Land Use Agricultural District. The property is located between Paradise Drive and Maku‘u Drive on the makai (northeast) side of 32rd Avenue, approximately 1,500 feet from its intersection with Paradise Drive, Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision, Kea‘au, Puna, Hawai‘i TMK: 1-5-17:112.
Application for a Special Permit to allow the establishment of a baseyard for parking, storage and maintenance of well drilling equipment, materials and supplies on a 0.43-acre portion of a one-acre parcel situated within the State Land Use Agricultural District. The property is located between Paradise Drive and Maku‘u Drive on the makai (northeast) side of 32rd Avenue, approximately 1,500 feet from its intersection with Paradise Drive, Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision, Kea‘au, Puna, Hawai‘i TMK: 1-5-17:112.