06-14-2013, 03:49 AM
A big plus for East Hawaii is the reduced overhead ... when you look at things like property taxes here vs Cali .... buys a lot of round trips on united for medical care.
Locals & employment - retire ees build houses, grade lots and buy furniture - all good for the local economy. Try building a house without a local sparky or plumber - try finding one of those or a shuttle to the airport at $7.25 an hour......
we retire ees also bring in a lot of $$$$$ as all the 401's are cashed out - one look at the real estate portion of the retirement - tourism - real estate triangle keeps the ball rolling in east hawaii.
Interesting in my hood - folks are building - while the repo's sit... have building costs dropped to the level where its a push? the lots sure are bargains these days.....
Folks moving away for jobs of lifestyle? Hawaii unemployment rates always seem lower than mainland.
minimum wage jobs - I have hired many folks - some are just worth minimum wage - others will become my competition in 5 years..... some plumb my house at $85 an hour and yes - some flip my burgers - the smart ones get a 15 - 20% tip when I leave the table..... its all about choices and compromise imho