06-24-2013, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by pahoated
There is a thread on city-data.com, where there are many more of these types of posts like the OP, and a guy is saying "Stop encouraging the minimalists to move to Puna". If all you do is encourage the ghettofication of Puna, then how can Puna expect anything?
It's really not making any rational sense. The police are no good, we need more police. There is too much government, we need more government services. We need to pay less taxes, but we want a government clerk there right now. We need giant parks but we can't repair minor roads. We want free bus service and free solar panels, who cares where those subsidies come from.
If a large percentage of the population is minimalist to be indistinguishable from poverty, then that does not lead to a robust society structure. People living on bare minimum social security are not going to grow an economy, and actually are a load on two to three younger people that are working and have jobs.
"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
I'm glad to see this POV expressed, even if I am the target in this case. My point in posing my question was predicated upon my expectation that I will have a PT remote contract job -- as stated in the OP -- that would in fact more than double my income (w/SS) to nearly 3K/month. I wanted to know whether I could live on $1400 if absolutely necessary. I certainly don't plan to be part of the ghettofication of Puna, whatever that means. I'm aware it's economically marginal there, but I won't make it worse.
But now I have a better sense of the possibilities. Mission accomplished, and lots of great new info to consider. Mahalo to all of you who are at least open to the idea of yet another haole immigrant. What makes it especially compelling for me is that I have a large Hawaiian ohana on the Big Island that I've never met, and want to get to know. If not now -- I'm 66 -- then when?