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Hele On Bus $2.00 one way starts next week
In the past, there were monthly HeleOn passes... and there have been special needs passes..Interesting to note, the HeleOn website has not updated the fare info...

nor is there any info on the fare on the "News" section of their site: seems that the bill has yet to be signed, BUT the fares are to go into effect on Monday... so they cannot update the site... so WHY INFORM THE PUBLIC... It also seems that no one in the office is positive of any/everything.

ADDED: Tiffany just called & they just updated their website:

Note that there is a monthly pass & there are bus tickets - 10 for$15 students and other discounted 10 for $7.50

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RE: Hele On Bus $2.00 one way starts next week - by Carey - 06-27-2013, 04:07 AM

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