07-14-2013, 02:26 PM
I was actually thinking about this more today, along the lines of what Carey was pointing out. It was really only predominantly the white boomers who had it easier. I think minorities could be marginally better off now than they were, in spite of the economic problems. I dont hate boomers, it's just that I truly do hate to be lectured by them! I am only slightly younger than boomers, and I benefited greatly by being married to one. It was during this marriage that I came to realize the easier time that they had with acquiring eduction, getting jobs, house appreciation, generally good stock gains and now, generous social security. I am an older "Generation Xer" and was called a "slacker" on the cover of time magazine if I recall correctly. I am almost 45 yrs old and am going back to school for my third college degree because the older people wont retire and the younger new grads dont have families and can work 80 hrs a week, or nights or whatever. I am one of the lucky ones! I have a good employment history, good credit, and I'm also good in school. So many of my generation have really had a horribly difficult time!