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Hele On Bus $2.00 one way starts next week
Originally posted by kalakoa

Perhaps employers should be required to subsidize transportation for their minimum-wage workers? After all, they're getting a great deal since the minimum-wage isn't likely to be increased soon (if ever)....

Why should an employer be responsible for where their employees live? Not to mention now employees would be compensated differently based on the geography of where they live. I am pretty sure that would be illegal. Remember, minimum wage is not set by the employer so no reason to target and try to punish them. Most of them are people just like you and I trying to make ends meet as best they can.

I used to own a small business in the mainland and in addition to insurance I had to match 100% of what the employee paid into SS. It's extremely hard for a small business to make ends meet. I don't understand why everyone thinks that a business owner should pay this or pay that. Most business would not be able to afford that and would be out of business and only corporations would remain. The few that could afford that would have to pass those costs onto you and me.

Everyone is complaining about the minimum wage. Let's say they raise it to $15. Most small business can't afford that and would be gone not to mention the costs of goods for those that did survive including the big box stores are going to sky rocket and those costs are passed on to us. With the increase in costs now everyone is complaining again that the minimum wage is only $15! It's a never ending circle.

I just wish all the people complaining about the minimum wage would start their own business and see what the expenses actually are. When you own a small business everyone tends to think you are rich for some unknown reason.

I know I will get blasted for saying this but I have never lived in a state where I see more of an entitlement mentality. The government should pay for this, they should pay for that. The new generation coming up (across America) wants a house just like yours but doesn't want to work for it. They think they are entitled to it and it should just be handed to them. They want a job paying $20 an hour but don't want to go to school to get an education. If they government is going to subsidize anything it should education! That is just my two cents worth.

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RE: Hele On Bus $2.00 one way starts next week - by Hawaii Bound - 07-15-2013, 03:41 AM

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