07-16-2013, 12:06 PM
Thank for clarification on Smithfield. I agree it is normally very timeconsumming to grow food, that is why I am experimenting with some plants which supposedly need no cultivation and can survive in a basic clearing in the jungle. I am going to see how this goes. I ordered some seeds which evidently came from some 1400's plants and I thought they grew 2 pound tubers, but evidently they can grow 20lb tubers! - if there is soil of course. YOu can also eat the greens. I'm thinking I can plant one of these, dig it up, hack off a part- and then put it back down in the ground. WE'll see if it rots or not! The other things that I already have growing are some spinach trees and some pigeon pea plants. I'll soon get a moringa tree to add to these.