07-22-2013, 12:49 PM
quote:True at times but I don't think I'm paranoid. I really know of very few current or former cops that don't see the logic and advisability of a firearm.
Originally posted by Kapohocat: As with anything, do what works for you. Gun and paranoia suit many people.
Edit to add that several times over the years I advised complainants to get a firearm when they had reason for concern, knowing law enforcement might not get there in time during their crisis. I know for a fact I wasn't the only cop to give that advice. Granted most of these instances were involving matters in neighborhoods of a socioeconomic class few here can relate to, often involving stalkers, repeated burglaries and home invasions, or felons slated for release from prison. I wasn't one to lie and tell them I would always get there in time knowing thats not always the case.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.