08-23-2013, 09:26 AM
There in lies the argument - fruits of your (our, my) labor - using whoms roads, grid or educational system - its the no man is an island concept
If you are good at the game - you get to retire early - if not wal mart the only option these days it seems.
I keep waiting for the 3 d printers to become house hold items - no more waiting for parts to arrive from the mainland ...... prototyping out here in the boonies as well - no cnc machine required.....
What will that technology / onsite manufacturing do to the last few good jobs in that industry......... more Oprah viewers?
What the boomers are / were good at is replacing people with machines -automation, spell check, selling air line tickets online, instant online reference to facts online, instant tellers - have displaced how many workers.... I still say the inventor of spell check needs some kind of grand prize.......
In the process we have created a class of unemployed folks - east side being a prime example -
what replaced the sugar industry? - this is where social democracies shine.....
interesting times - takes more than just being clever these days.... happy I'm done (for now) .....
We will all need to return to the work force at some time if the life extension - 3d printing of organs really takes off - it could happen
interesting times we live in....
If you are good at the game - you get to retire early - if not wal mart the only option these days it seems.
I keep waiting for the 3 d printers to become house hold items - no more waiting for parts to arrive from the mainland ...... prototyping out here in the boonies as well - no cnc machine required.....
What will that technology / onsite manufacturing do to the last few good jobs in that industry......... more Oprah viewers?
What the boomers are / were good at is replacing people with machines -automation, spell check, selling air line tickets online, instant online reference to facts online, instant tellers - have displaced how many workers.... I still say the inventor of spell check needs some kind of grand prize.......
In the process we have created a class of unemployed folks - east side being a prime example -
what replaced the sugar industry? - this is where social democracies shine.....
interesting times - takes more than just being clever these days.... happy I'm done (for now) .....
We will all need to return to the work force at some time if the life extension - 3d printing of organs really takes off - it could happen
interesting times we live in....