08-25-2013, 03:39 AM
We need to write to our representatives to urge them for the US and the international community to use all of it's resources to help Japan with this emergency because it could effect the entire planet eventually.
"Wall St. Journal: They don’t know where Fukushima’s melted fuel cores are, or in what state — Expert: “It’s important to think of worst-case scenario”… Even greater levels of contamination may be on the way — Plant “built on a river”
"Nuclear Experts: Portion of Fukushima’s molten fuel believed to have “moved into earth” — Melted cores contacting groundwater may be cause of recent spike in radiation levels"
" UPI: “Fukushima plant is approaching a worst case scenario” — Top Japan Nuclear Official: “This is what we have been fearing”
"Wall St. Journal: They don’t know where Fukushima’s melted fuel cores are, or in what state — Expert: “It’s important to think of worst-case scenario”… Even greater levels of contamination may be on the way — Plant “built on a river”
"Nuclear Experts: Portion of Fukushima’s molten fuel believed to have “moved into earth” — Melted cores contacting groundwater may be cause of recent spike in radiation levels"
" UPI: “Fukushima plant is approaching a worst case scenario” — Top Japan Nuclear Official: “This is what we have been fearing”