08-26-2013, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by peteadams
quote:Then perhaps all the joe owner-builders should get together and work to change this. This irritation against the licensure restrictions is not a new issue. Rob has been wanting to do something about opening up electrical/plumbing work to owner-builders for years. Get together. Do something. Find an amenable councilperson. Find a helpful lawyer. Etc. If the anti-GMO, anti-geothermal hysterics (IMO) can move the county council to produce new laws, maybe a crowd of joe owner-builders could also. Or you could just pre-concede powerlessness and grumble a lot on a forum.
Of course this will never happen because "the licensed trades" have more policital clout than "joe owner-builder"...
I'm in! I love to grumble AND do something to make change for the better.