09-01-2013, 09:57 AM
Nice try snorkle, but large corporations have several advantages over homeowners: they have access to sophisticated risk analysts/analysis to make decisions on how and where to invest that the average homeowner doesn't have; they also spread the risk over thousands of investors. It's unlikely that any single investor has, or will have, >$100K exposure to the loss of a power plant in Puna - pretty much every new homeowner, as well as many current ones, will have at least twice that level of exposure. Another disadvantage that the rest of the County and State's residents get to share with the homeowners in the high lava flow risk areas is that there is a continual demand for government investment and services in the high hazard zones. When the lava flows roll over that infrastructure, everyone loses - not just the residents of the district. The east rift zone should never have been subdivided for residential development. Many residents have no clue what they are risking by building in the lava flow hazard zone 1 and 2 areas.