09-14-2013, 12:23 PM
I think what you fail to understand is that Hawaii and all of it's islands are occupied territory. Just because a land is occupied by, and controlled by a particular corperation, doesn't mean that traditions & culture are done away with, quite the contrary. The resistance is real and the fundamental basis of who the Hawaiian people are will never change. You can lay on the Queen's beach, build resorts on sacred land, dig up and move the bones of our ancestors, disrespect our traditions and outlaw the culture but it will never make it "right", no matter what the duration of the occupation. You have to adapt to survive an occupation but you don't have to lose the core of who you are as a people during that occupation. Sometimes "false cracks" are not really "false". It's the same as if I went to Utah and I walked into a tabernacle and opened a fith of whiskey. How disrespected would the LDS community be? What if I went to the Blackhills of South Dakota and opened a disco on the site of the massacre of wounded knee? What? That happened so long ago, can't you just get past that??it's about respect for others and THEIR beliefs..not yours.