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why do the police here have such fancy rides?
This is all from a thread from a year ago...but my take is that when we state things like cost, we are not comparing similar vehicle. The MARKED cars Hawaii County chose were some of the most expensive cars available, full of many options most police depts. do not have (but lacking little things like dash cams & computers that many DO have). IF the county required the unmarked/personally owned cars to have all of the equipment they required the MARKED cars, then we would have a FAIR comparison...

from last years thread - :
"Just for those that want a little background of the marked/unmarked car debate, here are some of the news releases on the police car issues (interesting to note that wikipedia even has a picture of a subsidized 2 door model in their article on HCPD:‘i_Cou...Department ):

Starting in '03 switch for visibility of fleet:

'05 Debate on use of marked or unmarked:

'06 with the proposal to switch:

County SHOPO docs. with the '10 subsidy of $600/mo for patrol & $562 for detective:

'11 article of no plans to buy more marked vehicles:

'12 marked cars deemed not cost effective:

I am not sure what came of it, but I do remember that some officers wanted to still receive the subsidy even when using the marked cars... cannot find the Trib-Herald artlicle right now... know I almost had kittens about that one!"

Messages In This Thread
RE: why do the police here have such fancy rides? - by Guest - 09-17-2013, 01:46 PM
RE: why do the police here have such fancy rides? - by Carey - 09-17-2013, 03:04 PM
RE: why do the police here have such fancy rides? - by Guest - 09-19-2013, 07:58 AM
RE: why do the police here have such fancy rides? - by Guest - 09-19-2013, 08:58 AM

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