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Are there Savanah Cats on this island?
Legally, no, the importation of Bengals & Savannas is not allowed...(bengals are more the size of a house cat, vs the savannas that were on the show) We have had quite a few friends here with cats that have many of the trademarks of the bengals & had a stray cat that had most all of the trademarks adopt us when we first moved here...

Some of the highlights are their love of UP...ours would walk the door tops, shower rods, rafters, ladders...also loved to play in the water (showers with a cat are more than a little odd) & some can get some fierce "wild hairs" - something I would watch very carefully with children... our cat learned to moderate those behaviors quite a bit with water blasts to correct... but you do have to be consistent...

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RE: Are there Savanah Cats on this island? - by Carey - 09-28-2013, 04:40 PM

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