10-07-2013, 11:18 AM
Hello. The information you are stating is public knowledge. Not only are most posting on this thread already aware of what you've posted, but also the same information is literally already present on this forum in multiple topics. I am well aware of the history of the rainbow papaya. I am also well aware there are other companies investing in transgenic research besides Monsanto. I am not and have in no way ever before asserted that GMO equals Monsanto. I consider myself pro-GMO regardless what others may label me. I, unlike (assumption) many others on this forum, actually have formal education in microbiology and gene modification. I have in fact created GMO protists myself (a type of bacteria). Nevertheless I am confused at why you aim your comments at me or associate my quotes with your following 'passages'.
Anyways, corporations are out to make a profit. Monsanto and no-doubt every corporation would monopolize all business if it could in fact do so. This is reality. This is capitalism. Labeling it paranoia or belittling the cause of activists voicing their opinions vs. those of a major corporation is something I find deeply disturbing.
Anyways, corporations are out to make a profit. Monsanto and no-doubt every corporation would monopolize all business if it could in fact do so. This is reality. This is capitalism. Labeling it paranoia or belittling the cause of activists voicing their opinions vs. those of a major corporation is something I find deeply disturbing.