10-14-2013, 05:00 AM
I'm very sorry to hear about your son, LatteLady49. I don't think you should be deterred from moving here for fear that you will find a speeding mecca or anything like that. If anything, speeding is far less an issue here than on the mainland, if only because the police seem to favor that form of traffic enforcement. That doesn't mean I consider the BI a relatively safe place for drivers. As others have mentioned before and I have mentioned repeatedly on this forum, the roadways here are designed badly, are antiquated, and other safety issues are not enforced at all it seems, like my pet peeve, driving at dusk with either no lights or only parking lights on, which renders cars almost invisible, especially in the rain. To my knowledge, that is not enforced at all, which still has me perplexed as to why. If at all possible, I would recommend not driving 130 during rush hour at all. Not only will it be safer, but you won't spend an hour and a half in your car instead of enjoying the island.