11-12-2013, 09:48 AM
Trujaj - thank you for following and caring about Brittany. To be honest, I have said for the past 5 1/2 months that I am just downright confused, it's all very overwhelming. The information on the blogs and tid bits I get on Brittany's "Justice for Brittany Jane Royal" Facebook page. It's very difficult to decipher what is fact and what is rumor, so I take it all in, keep notes and pass the information along. I have learned that this is not an overnight process, there is a lot involved with the case, so I have learned to be patient. It's very difficult, I look to Brittany for strength and of course, my sons, husband Jeff and family. I have a lot of outside support in various groups and organizations. I continue to pray and believe that one day the truth will come out. Until then I can hold her close to my heart.
Mahalo, Peace and Love!
Mahalo, Peace and Love!