11-18-2013, 05:53 AM
Very entertaining discussion about the appropriate role of government. I'm looking forward to becoming part of this community. I'm a lawyer and a writer and I've written a bit recently on enhanced direct democracy and devolution of power from fed to state and local levels. I'm curious what people on this forum think about self-organizing options as an alternative to state or county-enforced building codes? It seems that there is a good argument to have county building codes, due to expertise and expense of doing it at the sub-division or individual level, but that at the same time the county process has become so beholden to industry that it squelches freedom and creativity in the name of safety. Thoughts? Here's my latest piece and my next piece is on "the rise of cities" as an alternative to national and state power: http://www.independent.com/news/2013/oct/09/wisdom-mob/.