11-24-2013, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by dragon2k
I just do not like the idea, the concept and I never will. I feel it should be within my rights as a consumer to have gmo food labelled so that I may make the choice to buy them or not! Why not label? Whats to hide? Dont say cost cause thats a load of bs!
I guess my problem with your position is your sense of entitlement: every food manufacturer has to track every supplier and every source for every component in their product - because if they don't, and then don't label appropriately, they'll get sued or fined or otherwise pilloried - because you don't like the idea that there may be GM - a meaningless distinction - components in your food. And if I don't like the idea that some component of a product was harvested on the sabbath - Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Cherokee, Wiccan, or othewise - can I demand that the day of harvest be included in the label? Can I demand that foods all be labeled non-kosher or non-halal if they haven't been prepared appropriately? It amounts to the same thing.
If avoidance of GM components is that important to you, then don't buy anything that isn't labeled "GM-free".