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Orchidland Special Membership Meeting
Orchidland doesn't have its own meeting room - we don't have enough money for roads, let alone a meeting room. Meetings are usually held at the HPP and Ainaloa longhouse, but I'm guessing that both were booked on this short notice.

Terracore, the association has just implemented a new collections policy, and as I recall 70% of the membership is now paying their road fees - so progress is being made. At the last meeting, the Board reported that current fees are barely sufficient to keep our roads in their current awful condition. Lots of money is spent patching deteriorating chipseal roads that really should have been paved years ago. And potholes on gravel roads are patched with gravel that washes away after a few downpours. And as most folks know, no tax revenues are available for fixing our "privately owned public roads."


Messages In This Thread
RE: Orchidland Special Membership Meeting - by KeaauRich - 11-30-2013, 06:34 PM
RE: Orchidland Special Membership Meeting - by Guest - 12-03-2013, 03:29 AM

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