12-12-2013, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by Spunky
Has nothing to do with their CEO, the economic status of our neighborhoods, what they pay staff, or whatever...
Actually, some of it does, to a certain extent. Another set of measures I find interesting to look at is Costco's demographic vs WalMart's in four general income rankings.
More than 50% of Costco's members are classed as Affluent, while less than 25% of WalMart's are.
Living Comfortably: Costco 31%, 36% Walmart
Getting By: Costco 12%, WalMart 29%
Poor: Costco 3%, WalMart 10%
IOW, Costco skews strongly to the Higher Income market. I think we can probably all acknowledge that a Hilo side store would not draw on as affluent a market as the Kona side does. So why take on the incresed cost of another store?
With a relative in the business, I know that justifying a new store is a complicated analysis. No single metric will trigger that kind of decision.