12-14-2013, 07:36 AM
It was determined that since the membership hadn't been given 14 days notice (as per the bylaws) the special meeting wasn't legally valid. As a result, the meeting became a general discussion of the road proposal with some side conversations about the turmoil on the board that led to to issue in the first place. I think it's fair to say that the general consensus is that those assembled acknowledged that there were screw-ups by the Board, but that the Board was acting in good faith and their efforts as volunteers was appreciated. However, in order to prevent future problems, the Board (and membership) need to adhere strictly to Robert's Rules and the Association Bylaws (hence the decision not to take any votes at this gathering).
In terms of the roads discussion, those who spoke tended to be more in favor of raising the fees to do the master plan or at a minimum, rejiggering the fees to emphasize finishing paving the roads that are on the member-approved pavement schedule. Another special meeting will be called as soon as the Board can line up a hall and send out a mailing to the entire membership.
In terms of the roads discussion, those who spoke tended to be more in favor of raising the fees to do the master plan or at a minimum, rejiggering the fees to emphasize finishing paving the roads that are on the member-approved pavement schedule. Another special meeting will be called as soon as the Board can line up a hall and send out a mailing to the entire membership.