12-21-2013, 07:23 AM
That day is here the printers pretty inexpensive ... seen them as low as 500
It is the 3d scanners to make the files for the printer to work with that are still pricey ... last I check 2500 would do it ...... almost rationalized it - weed whacker line alone - grin
one thing for sure - electronics and technology keeps dropping in price ...technology for work that was out of the question a few years ago - now within reach .... 3 d printers and more home grown solutions to replace ment parts here today at the Hilo Makery as well......
It is the 3d scanners to make the files for the printer to work with that are still pricey ... last I check 2500 would do it ...... almost rationalized it - weed whacker line alone - grin
one thing for sure - electronics and technology keeps dropping in price ...technology for work that was out of the question a few years ago - now within reach .... 3 d printers and more home grown solutions to replace ment parts here today at the Hilo Makery as well......