12-25-2013, 06:34 AM
In 2008 Obama got 15 million from health insurance corps., not even counting the rest of the "health care" industry in "campaign contributions".
In 2009, we got ACA/Obamacare/Romneycare.
We would be better off with Medicare for all.
Obama represents Wall Street, then and now.
Our problem is more acute here in Hawaii due to no Medicare for all,
and the HMSA / Kaiser duopoly.
In 2008 Obama got 15 million from health insurance corps., not even counting the rest of the "health care" industry in "campaign contributions".
In 2009, we got ACA/Obamacare/Romneycare.
We would be better off with Medicare for all.
Obama represents Wall Street, then and now.
Our problem is more acute here in Hawaii due to no Medicare for all,
and the HMSA / Kaiser duopoly.