03-13-2016, 05:16 PM
On the mainland, I've been a large marine aquarium enthusiast,
'I've been on ReefCentral for almost a decade.
I understand that hard corals are not allowed.
But with all of the high end equipment I own and the
level at which I've kept water quality over the years which has included growing SPS corals, what happens if I use fresh saltwater on an regular basis and types of organisms that are prohibited begin to grow in my tank? My protein skimmer alone cost 1500 when I purchased it.
I see it as inevitable if I supplement with fresh saltwater.
And that seems the best route for saving $$$ on water changes as I'm close to the ocean.
'I've been on ReefCentral for almost a decade.
I understand that hard corals are not allowed.
But with all of the high end equipment I own and the
level at which I've kept water quality over the years which has included growing SPS corals, what happens if I use fresh saltwater on an regular basis and types of organisms that are prohibited begin to grow in my tank? My protein skimmer alone cost 1500 when I purchased it.
I see it as inevitable if I supplement with fresh saltwater.
And that seems the best route for saving $$$ on water changes as I'm close to the ocean.