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Dangerous Drunk Driver Still Driving
While driving home to Leilani this afternoon we were rear- ended by a drunk driver.

This guy actually hit us three times while we were stopped at the light by the school in Pahoa.

He drove off as we got out to check for damage.Of course we immediately notified the police.

We followed him to his home in Black Sand Beach subdivision. Interestingly being passed along the way by a "friend" of this guy .... we assumed he was a witness or simply concerned , but no, he said he wanted to make sure his buddy got home safe. We informed him his "buddy" just rear-ended us 3 times. Upon hearing this,the "concerned friend" said "oh" and took off.

The police arrive, and wake the drunk from his half passed out state - in his truck - on the dead end road leading to his house.

This habitual offender - per the officer- has a suspended license ,and of course no insurance. This individual apparently drives our roads everyday.The police are unable to jail this guy.....

So the officer was going to cite him with driving on a suspended license, and no insurance. That is all we were made aware of. No hit and run, driving under the influence ( the guy technically was not on his property but a dead end / cul-de-sac road in Black Sand Beach when the officer woke him while he was still in the vehicle that hit our car) ..... now I truly do not know the laws in Hawaii regarding this situation , but common sense would seem to tell me that this guy could have been charged with other offenses. But I do not know.

The drunk then argues with the officer, the officer threatens to take him to jail, but doesn't.

The officer advises us to let our insurance co. handle it, but if the drunk driver was taken to court, he could claim that he "didn't get drunk until he arrived home"

So as I see it, someone rear-ends you, leaves the scene, is found by the police (in his vehicle)almost passed out on a road close to his home, has a suspended license and no insurance, is obviously highly intoxicated, plus is known to be a habitual offender, and he is still free to drive around as he wishes.


Be warned, if you see a Dark Grey , older Nissan ( 80's ) truck, with a camper shell, license plate #HLG764, notify the police immediately and keep your distance.



Messages In This Thread
Dangerous Drunk Driver Still Driving - by Genxor - 12-25-2007, 04:00 PM
RE: Dangerous Drunk Driver Still Driving - by Guest - 01-15-2008, 05:59 AM

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