01-12-2014, 07:32 AM
I don't believe that the anecdotal evidence falls into the category of "complete trash", so what if he is a lawyer - what do lawyers do? In fact they attempt to discern the truth with the evidence gathered , which is what he has done . Say what you will the
anecdotal is overwhelming, imho,as well as the enactment of Japan's State Secrets Act , considered all together in my view amounts to a valid source of information, and the fact that with all the fish, bird, and mammal, die offs, and nary a word about "radiation", indicates the complicity ( for whatever reason), of .gov/msm
And the post ( at link, see side bar) also is very informative about many other events of dire importance to a MSM befuddled audience
anecdotal is overwhelming, imho,as well as the enactment of Japan's State Secrets Act , considered all together in my view amounts to a valid source of information, and the fact that with all the fish, bird, and mammal, die offs, and nary a word about "radiation", indicates the complicity ( for whatever reason), of .gov/msm
And the post ( at link, see side bar) also is very informative about many other events of dire importance to a MSM befuddled audience