01-23-2014, 08:07 AM
There are certain things worthy of strong opinions. The "fishiness" of the details of Bo's hanging possibly months ago is not one of those things.
10 minutes later
The details of the suicide are worthy of investigation.
Contradictory, much?
Paul. We are asking questions about forensic evidence indicating HOW he hung himself, period, end of story. We feel it's worthy of speculation, and we feel it was not answered sufficiently by HPD. They are legitimate concerns, obviously shared by many people.
I know exactly what short-drop suspension hanging is. Apparently you don't know as much about it as you lead on, because short-drop hangings are generally used primarily in indoor situation where proper suspension and ceiling space is limited (jail cell, apartment, office setting, etc). Boaz Johnson was in the middle of a forest with unlimited space, making any assumption of a "short-drop hanging" absolutely irrational.