01-25-2014, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by peteadams
"They must all be tin foil hat wearers huh ?"
Yes. Fear is a powerful motivator, particularly unfounded fear which can be based on any fiction the fearful one wishes to believe.
It would appear that you have confused fear with intelligent selection. We don't fear cyanide but we are intelligent enough to avoid eating it. We don't fear the unknown berry on the bush in the forest, we're simply intelligent enough not to eat something that has not yet been determined safe by a reasonable level of proof. GM foods have not met with a reasonable level of proof for safe consumption. You may "believe" they have met the rigors of independent study but the fact remains they have not met such standards as yet but the early test do reflect unfavorable results which triggers a demand for further independent studies to be preformed.
- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.