02-06-2014, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Rob Tucker
Originally posted by snorkle
So if our Island's agricultural lands have been poisoned using Modern Chemistry, we need more modern chemistry to fix it?
Who would possibly profit from that?...............Oh wait, nevermind.
A lot of our island farm lands have already been polluted with an organic poison - arsenic. The sugar plantations spread arsenic on the land to try and control a rat population explosion.
Yes, unfortunately the organic arsenic didn't do it's job on some of the bigger rats on the island. GMO Frankenfoods will do the job nicely though. Richard Ha needs to provide proof that he isn't harming our environment with his lazy farming practices. The burden of proof lies with those polluting the environment with poisons. Only a sheep would follow unquestioningly, we seem to have a flock here. We all know GMO is crap, those arguing otherwise are in the poisonous conglomerate Frankenfood industry or have some tie to it. or