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“Fire! Little Fire Ants in Hawaii”
I just watched the show “Fire! Little Fire Ants in Hawaii” and it left me feeling so frustrated.

It was made mostly on Maui; several times the Big Island was cited as the source of the ants. Excuse me? They came from someplace else, and y'all didn't think it important to prevent invasive species, or to support BI efforts to eradicate; now you've just written us off--"Hawaii Island will always have LFAs." But it's vitally important that they don't spread to the other (more worthwhile?) islands.

And by the way, how come the BI got infested by imported plants (from Florida, I've heard), but the other islands didn't? Could some of their infestations actually be coming from Florida, too?

The show is not scheduled to be shown again, but it wasn't really helpful if you live on BI. They talked about testing for LFAs, then sending your samples in for confirmation, but then just said that "HDOA will help you control it"

Cas Vanderwoude was in it, warning against poisoning the land with pesticides, but didn't give any information about how to get rid of them.

The website was mentioned for more info, but, again, is aimed at the other islands, not BI, and the message is to report infestations.

More helpful is the Hawaii Ant Lab site, which does have tips on controlling them.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just feeling (again) like the BI is the abandoned stepchild of Hawaii.

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Messages In This Thread
“Fire! Little Fire Ants in Hawaii” - by Lee M-S - 06-19-2016, 05:04 PM
RE: “Fire! Little Fire Ants in Hawaii” - by Guest - 07-19-2016, 11:09 PM

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