02-15-2014, 10:52 AM
Unknownjulie is describing a situation that is no doubt happening everywhere in the US. Our money is worth less every day. Retirees see life through this prism: what am I going to do when my money runs out?
Retirees are facing life with a fixed income in a society that threw out all of the philosophy relating to the value of stability and went for the gold.
They are dealing with rising costs just as Julie is. It is a brutal reality. There are not enough good paying jobs with stability. People are living longer.
The younger set need stable jobs as much as possible to do a good job of raising up the next generation. This is a valuable thing.
I figure that the time is rapidly coming when the Baby Boomers are going to get a lot of death with dignity philosophy coming at them. It is our place in history. We are going to be fed to the ovens in about ten years unless our society figures out the problem Julie is so reasonably describing.
Why will we the Boomers be in this fix? Because like it or not we are going to be blamed for the mess. As a matter of fact we have allowed a lot of it. The above replies are a perfect example of why those oven doors will have Welcome Boomers signs above them.
Retirees are facing life with a fixed income in a society that threw out all of the philosophy relating to the value of stability and went for the gold.
They are dealing with rising costs just as Julie is. It is a brutal reality. There are not enough good paying jobs with stability. People are living longer.
The younger set need stable jobs as much as possible to do a good job of raising up the next generation. This is a valuable thing.
I figure that the time is rapidly coming when the Baby Boomers are going to get a lot of death with dignity philosophy coming at them. It is our place in history. We are going to be fed to the ovens in about ten years unless our society figures out the problem Julie is so reasonably describing.
Why will we the Boomers be in this fix? Because like it or not we are going to be blamed for the mess. As a matter of fact we have allowed a lot of it. The above replies are a perfect example of why those oven doors will have Welcome Boomers signs above them.