02-15-2014, 03:25 PM
I am more in tune with this I am thinking, because for many years, I would literally walk into a place and be hired and put in charge of things. I was always the youngest person. I also was the youngest person graduating in my program in college. I have been in the workforce for a very long time- although I am not that "old". When I was hired by the state in past years- the benefits were great and the pension plans and health insurance was 100% paid for. Now, recently, I did have a fulltime job and it was abysmal. 8% went off the top - and there was no choice involved- to go to pay for the bankrupted retirement funds here in Hawaii. (yes, I can get a portion of that back when I am 65) Also, I was paying 250 per month for my employee sponsored health plan. I suppose I also miss the "good old days", but I am also am just really worried about our young people coming up today... And also, I make less per hour now, then I did 10 years ago- for the same job. I was thinking of switching careers, but am now back with my old career, and once again have lots of responsibility- but am being paid less.