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Septic system regulations in Hawaii
Septic systems depend on the health of the anaerobic colony within the tank, so it all depends on that factor by usage as to how often they need to be pumped. I know there are some non-enforced rules on inspection intervals. As per the sale of a home, I'm not sure about the rules on that within Hawaii but I would imagine there are some requirements for that also. I'm sure someone here in the real-estate biz can answer that. The newer codes should require alarms for your septic system but I'm not certain here.

Our aerobically based cesspools are another animal altogether and Hotzcatz addressed that already.

I haven't bothered to read it but here's a link that may provide some answers.,d.cGU


Messages In This Thread
RE: Septic system regulations in Hawaii - by Haaheo okole puka - 02-17-2014, 08:00 PM
RE: Septic system regulations in Hawaii - by Chas - 02-18-2014, 12:41 AM

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