03-02-2014, 12:10 PM
you mentioned "zen speed bumps" in another post, too. Whatchu talkin' 'bout?
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you mentioned "zen speed bumps" in another post, too. Whatchu talkin' 'bout?
Originally posted by Carey
We have a fenced orchard, so that limits the ferals & some of the humans (still have had people up in our tree branches...but it limits that...
For insects, all I do is use an oil spray with dish detergent & vegetable oil.... sprayed through out the plants when they need it (the whiteflies & thrips fall off quickly, and the scales seem to go away.. We were able to get the oil for free, used fish fry oil, so the cost is really low
For the GALS & slugs, we plucked hundreds a week when we first moved to the lot.... and used them as 'Zen speed bumps' to reduced the drifting that was a problem for a bit (more than a couple of times the drifting would knock down newly planted trees... so the lack of that now is a great side benefit...) and the GALS & slug count are now pretty low...still do have slugs , but a plastic container on the ground will yield a small amount that get salted.
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