03-07-2014, 01:53 AM
A little google makes him sound real: http://www.dharmafarmshawaii.org/
His incomplete site seems clear although a little reading between the lines might be necessary. The site describes the accommodations as one step above camping. I'm thinking one small step. You give 20 hrs of farm labor (generally hard, dirty, sweaty, back breaking, work) for a place to camp, some food staples you cook (in who knows what passes for a kitchen) and the opportunity to eat what sounds like Hare Krishna food if you attend meditation sessions. It sounds like it may be at least loosely connected to the Hare Krishna movement or something similar. Some 40+ years ago as a starving hippie on Maui I ate some of that Hare Krishna food. It wasn't bad and filled the tummy. I think I'd have to pass on the opportunity.
It sounds real, for what it is.
Big Islander to be.
His incomplete site seems clear although a little reading between the lines might be necessary. The site describes the accommodations as one step above camping. I'm thinking one small step. You give 20 hrs of farm labor (generally hard, dirty, sweaty, back breaking, work) for a place to camp, some food staples you cook (in who knows what passes for a kitchen) and the opportunity to eat what sounds like Hare Krishna food if you attend meditation sessions. It sounds like it may be at least loosely connected to the Hare Krishna movement or something similar. Some 40+ years ago as a starving hippie on Maui I ate some of that Hare Krishna food. It wasn't bad and filled the tummy. I think I'd have to pass on the opportunity.
It sounds real, for what it is.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.