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Mililani Trask Files for OHA at Large Seat
Originally posted by cwaters

I was flying home from work in Honolulu. When it was time to get off the woman across from me pulled her bag out of the overhead bin. I fell on my head and shoulder. The woman did not say sorry, she gave me stink eye and said damn haole. I asked my associate, who is Hawaiian, what was that about. She said that was Miliani Trask, she does not like haoles. So I will never vote for her or recommend her.

It was probably Faye Hanohano, not Mililani Trask. You know, all us Hawaiians look alike. (Just kidding! Aloha to you. [Big Grin])

If there is ever a "war" to be had, it would be people like Mililani Trask I'd want on my side. Do not agree with everything she states as opinion (legal and otherwise), however, she is a warrior. No question. That's why the United Nations respects her mission for indigenous people. Doesn't hurt that she is a lawyer, and comes from a strong family base.

Her home is here in Ola'a. She is part "haole". (Heck, we all are, unless anyone can prove 100% bloodline which is rare). I would like to see our island represented by the likes of Mililani Trask at this point, given OHA has more money than the State of Hawaii!

Time for OHA to be turned around, they have done nothing of substance for Puna yet. Millions of dollars in geothermal royalties, and not one of the Trustees can say where the money went! Give me a break. Time for change.

Pahoated, if only OHA & DHHL would stop the damn politics, and get to serving the people, and not just Hawaiians. JMO.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mililani Trask Files for OHA at Large Seat - by opihikao - 03-18-2014, 03:29 PM
RE: Mililani Trask Files for OHA at Large Seat - by Guest - 03-19-2014, 02:36 PM
RE: Mililani Trask Files for OHA at Large Seat - by Guest - 03-20-2014, 11:13 AM
RE: Mililani Trask Files for OHA at Large Seat - by Guest - 03-20-2014, 11:16 AM

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