03-25-2014, 06:37 PM
Yeah the strawberry guava/waiwai sucks. I've been clearing small patches of it at a time. It's not the cutting down part that is hard. It is getting the stumps/roots out. The roots seem to interconnect with other trees. Sometimes it seems like all the waiwai are connected to each other by their roots! I've pulled dozed of feet of roots out before, like it is just one endless rope.
riverwolf, the dozed lot near me is on Alii, there is also another one close by on Kapuna, though I'm sure there are many more throughout the subdivision. I guess it wouldn't be so bad, if they were building right away, but sometimes people doze their lot and then disappear? I guess I'm not sure what the point of dozing the whole lot is and then not doing anything with it. Just lets the invasives move in.
riverwolf, the dozed lot near me is on Alii, there is also another one close by on Kapuna, though I'm sure there are many more throughout the subdivision. I guess it wouldn't be so bad, if they were building right away, but sometimes people doze their lot and then disappear? I guess I'm not sure what the point of dozing the whole lot is and then not doing anything with it. Just lets the invasives move in.