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Hardwood Flooring Experiences
Ipe is the wood to use For longevity weather and insect resistance IMO.Very hard to work,dulls blades,doesn't take glue well,doesn't sand well.I have seen decks open on three sides to the Atlantic on OBX 25 years old Ipe,Only treated with Brazilian rose wood oil every few years,looking great maybe just a little Tiger wood or last bubinga.Poly if you like spar or other marine grade.many thin coats are better than a few heavy.let dry between coats and light sand with 180 grit use lots of tack cloth between coats.Better yet sand well and hand rub with rose wood oil 2 coats initially.scrub,dry and reapply as needed 1 to 2 years on average.I don't recommend the pre Finnish wood flooring.That being said I'm not comfortable with the sustainability of these exotic woods and always prefer tile .The advantages are to numerous to list


Messages In This Thread
Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by Pinao - 03-31-2014, 02:08 PM
RE: Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by fishenjim - 04-07-2014, 11:28 AM
RE: Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by Guest - 04-11-2014, 12:58 AM
RE: Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by csgray - 04-11-2014, 05:39 AM
RE: Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by Guest - 04-12-2014, 01:24 AM
RE: Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by Carey - 04-13-2014, 09:48 AM
RE: Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by csgray - 04-13-2014, 10:58 AM
RE: Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by Guest - 04-13-2014, 11:24 PM
RE: Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by csgray - 04-14-2014, 01:25 AM
RE: Hardwood Flooring Experiences - by kalakoa - 04-14-2014, 03:47 AM

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