04-08-2014, 02:41 AM
we do get a rat or two - and when they give birth at the end of this month Im expecting a mass migration across my yard - last year they were looking right into my window from the couch on the lanai...as long as they dont come in - its their island too...grin
'pedes - in 7 years on this property at about 1400 ft altitude - I have yet to see one - zilch, none...not even under dead wood or wet cardboard
In my other place I had a six foot rattler under the coleman chest I set out for a few days....ah nature
I'll take the rats and feral cats any day
'pedes - in 7 years on this property at about 1400 ft altitude - I have yet to see one - zilch, none...not even under dead wood or wet cardboard
In my other place I had a six foot rattler under the coleman chest I set out for a few days....ah nature
I'll take the rats and feral cats any day